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 Frateschi Australian HO Trains

Heljan OO Scale English Locomotives

Heljan OO Scale English Wagons

Heljan N, HO & OO Scale Buildings and Structures

HMA Signals, Lights & Circuits

Noch Scenic Accessories

Powerline Australian Models

Retail Outlets










HMA is so much more than just fine scale LED signals...
See the HMA online catalogue link on the bottom of this web page for Semaphore Signals, Crossing Alarms, Yard Lights,Station Lights, Street Lights and much more.  HMA products are exclusively handmade in the Apple Isle using etched brass components with LED's
 HMA offers circuitry options for all levels of experience catering for the starter modeller through to the most discerning prototypical modeller.  HMA activation uses Reed Switching for both DCC and DC Control layouts.
Click on the image below to access the HMA online catalogue



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